• Purpose: To spend personal time with God daily through reading the Bible and prayer.
  • Prepare: Find a time that works best for you. Find a space where you can clear your mind and focus on God. Bring your Bible, a pen or pencil, and paper or journal.
  • Method: For this, we will use the S.O.A.P. method.
    • S– Scripture
      • What is the Scripture? You can choose to write out the whole     Scripture or just the book, chapter, and verses (i.e. John 3:1-17)
    • O- Observations
      • Write down all of your observations about the Scripture.
      • What do you hear God saying through the text?
      • What does Scripture say to you regarding your life?
      • What are the core truths?
      • Don’t worry about if the observations are right or wrong. Just write down what you hear the Scripture saying to you.
    • A– Application
      • Write down how these truths apply to your life and how you can    apply them in your life within the immediate future.
    • P– Prayer
      • Pray about making God’s truth real and applicable in your life.